Tag Archives: face

Control Blushing Through Hypnosis

Being confident means not exhibiting that blushing redness when confronting people. It means that, when you are in front of a crowd all red and blushing, you do not wish that the floor would open and eat you up. You want to exude that confidence and bid goodbye to blushing. Make it a thing of the past and be more assertive when facing other people. Literally and traditionally, blushing means being modest or bashful. It also means displaying that marked redness on one’s face. Blushing is associated […]

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Top 9 Causes of a Blushing Face

1. Embarrassment It’s almost impossible to avoid flushing or blushing when we feel embarrassed. Either when we least expect it or even worse when we do expect it. When you next feel embarrassment try to remember that your face turning red is 99.9% common and the only discomfort you will feel is the embarrassment itself and not the so called shame of a red face. 2. Exercise How many people do you know who don’t turn a different shade of pink from a vigorous work out? Whether […]

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