Tag Archives: anxiety

How To Stop Blushing Without Surgery

Shyness and blushing often go hand in hand. Blushing can sometimes feel uncontrollable and if you have a shy disposition then blushing can feel 100 times worse. The problem is, many people decide to jump straight in for drastic measures such as surgery…when the real problem lies inside the mind. Now unless they were planning to remove the “faulty” section of their brain that is actually causing the blushing (which is actually impossible) then I would suggest this to be the worst possible decision if they wanted […]

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Top 9 Causes of a Blushing Face

1. Embarrassment It’s almost impossible to avoid flushing or blushing when we feel embarrassed. Either when we least expect it or even worse when we do expect it. When you next feel embarrassment try to remember that your face turning red is 99.9% common and the only discomfort you will feel is the embarrassment itself and not the so called shame of a red face. 2. Exercise How many people do you know who don’t turn a different shade of pink from a vigorous work out? Whether […]

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